
Green Lent: More Opportunities!

MORE OPPORTUNITIES 1) Citizen Science in the Native Gardens River's Edge Natural Area (960 W 1st St) Volunteer Opportunity - Mixed Ages Volunteers are needed to help observe plant and pollinator activity in the native plant gardens, as part of a citizen science effort aimed at understanding the effects of our changing environment on the natural world. Colorado Native Plant Society (CoNPS) members will provide training for volunteers to participate in "Budburst," observing plants, pollinators, or both, and reporting data online.  Training provided on Tuesdays and Saturdays For more information, please contact Kathy Maher, CoNPS Coordinator, at . 2)  Nikole Bari (Ethan’s mom) has opened her shop in Berthoud selling environmentally friendly products. It is a new store in Berthoud that sells alternatives to plastics for daily living. Soap Refill, Zero Waste boutique that sells Locally made products The location is 434 Mountain Ave. Hours of operation are: We

A Green Lent: Sundays + Seeds + Cans = Exciting (We promise!)

  What do you get when you cross a group of people who care about the Earth with an LED light bulb? A Green Team with a lot of bright ideas! Some announcements about upcoming exciting projects. (Exciting to us & we hope to you too!) Special Worship Service: Earth Care Sunday Earth day this year is April 22nd. As part of our commitment to caring for the Earth, the worship service on Sunday, April 24th will be focused on creation and our responsibility of taking care of the Earth we have been given. Watch for details coming soon. Fall Canning Day Think back to last fall (do a little time travel). Remember all the surplus produce your wonderful garden produced? Now think ahead to this fall. Picture a day here at FUPC with your friends. We CAN work together to CAN all that wonderful (green-produced) produce.  And to jump-start that project . . . . Seed Exchange Very soon we will have a seed exchange. You buy the seeds you want to grow in your garden, but you don’t need all of them you

Plastic, plants and.....compost? Oh my!

March 20th, 2022 Three Ideas for this week The March/April issue of Presbyterians Today has an article spotlighting an Earth Care Congregation. Written by Frances Wattman Rosenau the article Church embraces ‘Plastic-Free-Lent Challenge’ shares how the Culver City Presbyterian Church in California recently took on this challenge for Lent. This was something everyone, including the kids, could do to some degree. They point out that even if plastics can’t be eliminated entirely, it is about being aware of it and taking those first, small steps.  When you start thinking about being a responsible Earth citizen, you start seeing ideas and ways to do things differently. A cute one I saw this week was starting your plants in an ice-cream cone. It can be placed in the ground and will quickly decompose, letting water in and out.  I noticed a truck with a trailer stop at the curb by a house close to mine. On the side of the trailer it said Common Good Compost. They offer a compost service, picki

Tubeless Toilet Paper

How can we do better?  During our Lenten study after church today, several suggestions were made that may be a way for you to start a new habit during the 40 days of Lent. The first is switching to tubeless toilet paper. Click the following link to watch a news video about it. Another suggestion is using laundry detergent sheets instead of liquid detergent that comes in bit plastic bottles. There are several different brands available. Kathryn Renick let me know that Nikole (Ethan's mom) is opening a shop in Berthoud. It will be located at 434 Mountain Ave and grand opening will be March 26th.They will carry the detergent sheets and lots of other alternatives to replace plastic and non-environmental friendly products. Here is a link that describes a lot of the products her store will carry.  the source zero While checking my links to see if they work, an ad popped up for a countertop composter. Fred Bunning told us how he collected thing

A Green Lent

  Let’s have a GREEN Lent Are you tired of giving up the same old things for Lent? (Who really wants to give up their chocolate?) Well, the Green Team has some ideas to make this Lent more meaningful. Give up something that will help the Earth! ·   Less light – turn off those lights as you leave the room ·   Less water – don’t leave the faucet running if it isn’t necessary ·   Less heat – turn down the thermostat a little I’m sure you can think of lots more. Share them in the blog! And remember – be a good steward!